Detric Smith
The owner of Results Performance Training studio, Detric Smith has dedicated over two decades of experience to help trainers cultivate fulfilling, lucrative, lifetime careers in fitness. He works as a mentor and consultant for trainers and fitness brands. He’s also written for several well-respected fitness publications. Detric’s credentials include: B.S. in Kinesiology, NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, American College of Sports Medicine Exercise Physiologist, NSCA Certified Personal Trainer.
Always be ready for change.
Who you think you are now, how you run your business now, all your systems, all your knowledge of how your world functions… at some point, that will need to change. You started as just a trainer, but you will need to become a manager and leader- and so your relationship with your clients and employees will change. Relationships may end, even the ones you thought would last forever. The people you work with come and go.
The market changes. The industry changes. People change. Your business will change.
And you will change, too.
When you’re the owner, your business is your baby. It’s like watching a child go from a newborn to a 12-year-old hitting puberty. You love them just the same, but their needs are entirely different. One day you were changing diapers, and now they’re worried about dating, or flunking their math test.
And they just keep growing up- you have to learn to let go of your image of them. You need to let them be who they are. You have to get good at letting go.
But that’s an integral part of growth. Change is hard, but growth is impossible without it.
And too many businesses fail because they stick to a plan that worked when they started but failed to adapt to new circumstances.
So, be fully prepared to cultivate both resilience and flexibility. Some of your colleagues and employees will resist your transformation, especially when your success means change for them. You need to buckle down and stand by your vision, even when that means facing some uncomfortable situations.
Money may not be the end game, but it can end your game.
Keep your head in the game.
Stay sharp.
Know your worth.
Become an adaptable leader.
A successful business owner must become a leader. Eventually, you will have a team of employees. You will be put in unexpected situations and it’ll be 100% on you to direct the next course of action. You have to be ready to take that responsibility and the feeling of pressure that comes with it.
The physical and mental grind of business ownership will eventually require delegation. You’ll need to learn when and how to delegate with confidence. Those skills don’t always come naturally- it might feel uncomfortable at first. You’ll probably make some pretty dumb mistakes. That’s ok- it’s all part of the metamorphosis of your professional persona.
And once you’ve put in the years of grinding to become a good leader, you need to lead a generation you probably don’t have much in common with. You’ll need to find fresh tactics for interfacing with employees and clients. That will require reinvention, too.
Your evolution will constantly cycle to new levels and perspectives.
Who are you really competing with?
Be real with yourself- you probably aren’t competing with a major corporation any time soon. You don’t need to try to upstage a major big-box chain.
Who has a specific need you can cater to better than any other business? Zero in on that. You will only make things harder for yourself if you try to start a small business by just copying others.
Know your purpose
Ace Your Personal Training Interview!
Ace Your Personal Training Interview! Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy As the owner of Results Performance Training for over 14 years, I have done tons of interviews. Some were great, others were horrible! Here are a few tips to ace your next personal training interview. Communication before the interview Write … Continue reading “Ace Your Personal Training Interview!”
Community and Network Marketing for Personal Trainers
Community and Network Marketing for Personal Trainers Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy You post 30 times a day on IG, because the marketing guru tells you it will get you clients. You spend all your time on IG getting exercise variations. I see so many personal trainers hiding behind social … Continue reading “Community and Network Marketing for Personal Trainers”
Hey Personal Trainers! Stop Hiding behind Social Media!
Hey Personal Trainers! Stop Hiding behind Social Media! Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy You post 30 times a day on IG, because the marketing guru tells you it will get you clients. You spend all your time on IG getting exercise variations. I see so many personal trainers hiding behind … Continue reading “Hey Personal Trainers! Stop Hiding behind Social Media!”
Tips for Building Your Personal Training Business
Tips for Building Your Personal Training Business Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Would you have your 60-year-old client who has never worked out before follow the LeBron James workout plan? No! Then why do so many new trainers copy the marketing plans and advice from those big businesses. It works … Continue reading “Tips for Building Your Personal Training Business”
Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Fitness Business
Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Fitness Business Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Introduction: In today’s dynamic and competitive landscape, the fitness industry is experiencing unprecedented growth and evolution. With an increasing emphasis on health and wellness, more individuals are actively seeking fitness solutions to enhance their physical well-being and overall … Continue reading “Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Fitness Business”
Finding someone who has built and held onto that kind of success is like looking at Tom Brady or LeBron James. No matter what you think of them off the field or the court, they are special. They’ve had to adapt to countless unprecedented circumstances. The game is brutal, and they found a way to keep climbing, no matter the curveballs.
Running a business takes more than a typical skillset if you plan to survive (and thrive) long term. And it’s not the type of game where you shake hands with your competitor at the end of the day- it’s cold and unrelenting.
Low Cost Marketing options for Personal Trainers – Email Marketing/Newsletters
Low Cost Marketing options for Personal Trainers – Email Marketing/Newsletters Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy WHY Email marketing? Helps you close the long sale. They are all long sales! The biggest sales mistake trainers make is not realizing how important follow-up is! I use my newsletter to follow up without … Continue reading “Low Cost Marketing options for Personal Trainers – Email Marketing/Newsletters”
Low Cost Marketing Options for Personal Trainers – Networking
Low Cost Marketing Options for Personal Trainers – Networking Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Most personal trainers ask me “How am I supposed to compete against the big gyms when it comes to marketing? I am broke! ” I am sure you have heard business coaches say it takes money … Continue reading “Low Cost Marketing Options for Personal Trainers – Networking”
Top programming mistakes robbing your clients of great results
Top programming mistakes robbing your clients of great results Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy You’ve earned your cert and clients are rolling in. Now it’s your job to keep them happy, coming back for more, and seeing fantastic results. Fantastic results don’t happen without great programming. You probably know a … Continue reading “Top programming mistakes robbing your clients of great results”
Certified! Now what?
Certified! Now what? Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy This is NOT the time to hand over all your money to fake business coaches promising you 6 or 7 figures, before they even take the time to know if you are a good trainer! You need to build a foundation. And … Continue reading “Certified! Now what?”
Building Your Fitness Dream Team
Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Let me guide you in building an effective dream team of your own.
Renting a Space for Your Personal Training Business
If you’re ready to take your personal training business off the ground, it’s time to rent a space that’s perfect for training clients. This won’t happen overnight, so be sure to get through this checklist to make sure you’re on the right track to securing the perfect space.
Cool, Calm, & Chaotic: It’s not that Serious
Had a great time connecting with Mark Zarate on the Cool, Calm, and Chaotic podcast!
Why advanced programming is slowing down your client progress
As a new trainer, you’re probably excited to jump right into an epic workout and hammer your clients all the coolest moves. The truth is, flashy exercises are not the most effective choice for 99% of clients. New trainers often lack the experience to understand how to work with clients who have never been active, never played sports… maybe they’ve never even been to a gym before!
Not Another Group Class?
Not another group class?! Stand out from the competition with group sessions that feel personal and get real results
Group exercise is a great way to reach more clients and make a broader impact in your community. But with most gyms offering an endless parade of overpacked classes, how do you stand out so your sessions don’t get lost in the crowd?
Success without the filter: 5 ways social media lies to new trainers
Success without the filter: 5 Ways Social Media Lies to new trainers Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Endless perfectly posed snapshots, smiling guarantees of skyrocketing sales, shocking client transformations… when you’re scrolling your feed, it’s easy to believe training is simply getting paid to do fancy workouts. That shiny … Continue reading “Success without the filter: 5 ways social media lies to new trainers”
How To Be A Featured Fitness Writer
Writing about fitness and writing this well is a great way to reach new audiences, solidify your knowledge, get more personal training clients, earn more money, and be seen as a person who can be trusted. But none of this happens overnight. Much like your own training, you have to put in the reps.
Top 15 TRX Exercises
Top 15 TRX Exercises Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy CHECK OUT MY NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO: TOP 17 Push Up Variations https://youtu.be/wvjnBpQZIxc Like this? Follow me in Youtube Looking to become a better trainer? Make a career out of fitness? Here is how we can help. Send over your questions so … Continue reading “Top 15 TRX Exercises”
Top 17 Push Up Variations
Top 17 Push up Variations Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy CHECK OUT MY NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO: TOP 17 Push Up Variations https://youtu.be/bXt4PJVzAEs Like this? Follow me in Youtube Looking to become a better trainer? Make a career out of fitness? Here is how we can help. Send over your questions … Continue reading “Top 17 Push Up Variations”
Top 20 Valslide Exercises
Top 20 Valslide Exercises Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy CHECK OUT MY NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO: TOP 20 Valslide Exercises https://youtu.be/a0unztsDmrs Like this? Follow me in Youtube Looking to become a better trainer? Make a career out of fitness? Here is how we can help. Send over your questions so they … Continue reading “Top 20 Valslide Exercises”
Top 10 Landmine Exercises
Top 10 Landmine Exercises Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy CHECK OUT MY NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO: TOP 10 Landmine Exercises https://youtu.be/nX7xvIUgrSY Like this? Follow me in Youtube Looking to become a better trainer? Make a career out of fitness? Here is how we can help. Send over your questions so they … Continue reading “Top 10 Landmine Exercises”
Top 18 Band Exercises
Top 18 Band Exercises Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy CHECK OUT MY NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO: TOP 18 Band Exercises https://youtu.be/JLq_q4AQNzs Like this? Follow me in Youtube Looking to become a better trainer? Make a career out of fitness? Here is how we can help. Send over your questions so they … Continue reading “Top 18 Band Exercises”
What is Detric up to?
DETRIC SMITH | WEEKLY WRAPUP 08.21.21 Detric’s Weekly Wrap Up Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Trainer Tips Like this? Follow me in Instagram! CHECK OUT MY NEW YOUTUBE VIDEO: TOP 18 Band Exercises https://youtu.be/JLq_q4AQNzs Stuff I’m featured In An honor to make the Personal Trainer Development Center list of … Continue reading “What is Detric up to?”
Writing Effective Training Programs- Your first plan never works
You’ve meticulously planned your client’s program for the next six weeks and included exercises and training methods that will help them reach their desired goal. You’re chomping at the bit to get started and then you spot your client struggling as they enter the door. Uh-oh, this doesn’t look good. “ Coach, I threw my … Continue reading “Writing Effective Training Programs- Your first plan never works”
What is Detric up to?
DETRIC SMITH | WEEKLY WRAPUP 02.25.2021 Detric’s Weekly Wrap Up Excited to be mentor for AFS! Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Weekly Rant: Career longevity for the Personal Trainer Still in the game?! Personal Trainers can learn a lot about career longevity from Serena, Brady and LeBron. They were supposed to … Continue reading “What is Detric up to?”
What is Detric up to?
DETRIC SMITH | WEEKLY WRAPUP 02.18.2021 Detric’s Weekly Wrap Up Excited to be mentor for AFS! Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Weekly Rant: Why can’t we all just get along?! Why can’t trainers all get along? I get it. We are all small fishes in a big pond competing to get … Continue reading “What is Detric up to?”
What weight do I use ?
Do you have a hard time knowing what weight to use or when to progress or regress weight? This is a question I often get from my members and trainers when they work with their clients Now, I wish I had all the answers, but I don’t. Because choosing a starting weight differs from client to client … Continue reading “What weight do I use ?”
It’s Time to Put Your Creative Work Out There — The World Needs to See It
Is it scary to put yourself out there? Yeah, but if you help one person, it’s worth it. As Steven Pressfield puts it, “the more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.” It might scare you to start that business, create that … Continue reading “It’s Time to Put Your Creative Work Out There — The World Needs to See It”
How to Play the Long Game, Or Better Yet The Infinite Game in Your Personal Training Career
Are you playing a long game with your personal training career or business? Or will you fall for the traps that will end your career or shut your business down in the first 3 to 5 years, if not sooner? As a personal trainer and business owner with 20 years of experience, I’ve seen … Continue reading “How to Play the Long Game, Or Better Yet The Infinite Game in Your Personal Training Career”
What is Detric up to?
DETRIC SMITH | WEEKLY WRAPUP 02.11.2021 Detric’s Weekly Wrap Up Excited to be mentor for AFS! Signup For Newsletter Name: Email: We respect your email privacy Every week I learn something new, or I encounter a situation from which I learn from at Results Performance Training. And rather than keep this to myself, I’ll share … Continue reading “What is Detric up to?”
A Look Back on the Most Invaluable, Life-Changing Lessons During COVID-19
There are times in life that feel heavy and dark. But, we always make it through. Then there are unprecedented times full of unknowns, which is our current reality because of COVID. It’s an entirely new and different beast. Navigating through this has been challenging and excruciating at times. Because of it, I’ve learned that … Continue reading “A Look Back on the Most Invaluable, Life-Changing Lessons During COVID-19”
How to Prevent Burnout When You Own and Manage a Personal Training Studio
Running a fitness business is highly rewarding and exciting, yet it can also be challenging and take its toll on you. Getting breaks are few and far in between, especially when you have less staff and trainers due to COVID. This is when burnout can start to creep in. We’ve all been there. I know … Continue reading “How to Prevent Burnout When You Own and Manage a Personal Training Studio”
5 Underrated Pieces of Equipment Every PT Should Have
Look, I am not here to say that the classic barbell and rack combo is not effective – but as trainers, we do need to look at the bigger picture. Lot’s of clients can get bored with the same traditional barbell training programs. Lots of clients might feel apprehensive about using heavy dumbbells or … Continue reading “5 Underrated Pieces of Equipment Every PT Should Have”
New feature: EliteFTS
Proud to be featured once again on EliteFTS! Check out my article: “Your Haters Are Pushing You To The Top – Embrace It”
Equality in Fitness – The Three Best Articles You Might Have Missed
In fitness, the ultimate goal is to build a healthy lifestyle for everyone who wants it. In order to do so, coaches and trainers must understand that every single person is a complete individual. No two clients are the same, and no two trainers are the same. That’s why this week I’m excited to bring … Continue reading “Equality in Fitness – The Three Best Articles You Might Have Missed”
New Feature in ACE Fitness
I’m excited to be featured in an article on ACE Fitness! Check out the piece below: Hustle, Hustle, Hustle: How to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed as a Fitness Entrepreneur
5 program design tricks that work
As career trainers, we all gather a few best practices as we go along. Whether it’s learning from your peers, attending a conference, or basic trial and error, you’ve definitely picked up a thing or two that’s made your coaching better. But what about program design? You could come up with the best program on … Continue reading “5 program design tricks that work”
3 ways to fix your group sessions
I do a lot of group and semi-private training, and it’s come to my attention that a few tweaks go a long way. In an industry that’s increasingly leaving the “personal” out of personal training, good coaches are doing the opposite. Injecting individual attention back into group sessions fosters accelerated results. You’re happier, the clients … Continue reading “3 ways to fix your group sessions”
Factors to consider before designing a high school S&C program
If you’re just starting with a local high school team, that’s incredible. We need more people like you in the trenches for great long-term athlete development. I have no doubt your knowledge and training will provide immense value, but I also get that it can be intimidating. Teenagers are wild cards on their own. Not … Continue reading “Factors to consider before designing a high school S&C program”
Questions to ask the coaching staff when starting a high school strength program
High school strength coaches play a massive role in long-term athlete development. Teenagers are in their formative years, many embarking on a college playing career or a lifetime of fitness. Plus, coaches are among some of the most influential mentors and figures in our lives. That’s why it’s so important to get on the same … Continue reading “Questions to ask the coaching staff when starting a high school strength program”
5 mistakes trainers will definitely make as they start their career
Mistakes are a part of the learning process, and you’re guaranteed to make them at some point. I know I have, as have many legendary coaches and trainers. What sets you apart is your ability to reflect upon what happened, reassess, and make changes in the future. In an effort to jump ahead of the … Continue reading “5 mistakes trainers will definitely make as they start their career”
Dear trainers: So you want to help people? Here’s the thing…
You’re not helping anyone if you start training people tomorrow without developing your skills. You think you are helping, but in reality you are hurting. Think about it – these people come to you at their most vulnerable. Many have pain and injuries they aren’t aware of. Lots have tried everything else and reached near … Continue reading “Dear trainers: So you want to help people? Here’s the thing…”
Are you over-correcting your clients? How to optimize cueing in group sessions
Great coaches understand the need for cueing to ensure technique adherence. Especially in a group setting, our clients both appreciate and need a little reminder every once in a while, regardless of experience. But have you ever considered the possibility of over correcting? As trainers, we often to get an idea of the perfect exercise … Continue reading “Are you over-correcting your clients? How to optimize cueing in group sessions”
8 Traps for the Career Trainer
Welcome to an industry where people with an overnight cert can take your clients and money. Even if it’s unfair, is there anything we can learn from these people? Those who lack dedication will likely weed themselves out. But some have potential to be great trainers. They just need a little bit of direction. Most … Continue reading “8 Traps for the Career Trainer”
Group Class Instructors, Meet Strength Coaches
It’s time for an introduction. Group ex, meet S&C coaches. All you have to do is look in a mirror. “Wait WAIT. There’s no way he’s really suggesting that commercial gym group exercise instructors and collegiate or professional strength coaches have the same job.” You’re right, I’m not. But the two should have more in … Continue reading “Group Class Instructors, Meet Strength Coaches”
Books I’m reading right now – And you should be too.
Expanding your knowledge is critical to avoiding complacency. Your clientele and business are ever-evolving creatures that need nurturing, as is your mind. The books below are written by some of the best in the industry – proving that there’s much more to personal training than counting reps and re-racking weights. If you want to expand … Continue reading “Books I’m reading right now – And you should be too.”
“Punch the Clock” Workouts
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a Saturday in April, 74 degrees. I was wearing my lucky 49ers shirt, having just woken up from 8.5 hours of sleep. The night before, my Lakers beat the Supersonics. My stress levels were next to nothing. Every joint in my body felt like a million … Continue reading ““Punch the Clock” Workouts”
Don’t Play their Game – How small group personal training studios are losing by copying franchises
Under the money-making lure of franchises, we have a tendency to get away from what got us here. The enchantment of expanding into a corporation makes us greedy and we go after too many things at once. Rather than playing the franchise game, make your strengths stronger. Focus on what makes you different. Make sure … Continue reading “Don’t Play their Game – How small group personal training studios are losing by copying franchises”
Long-Term Business Development: How to take Your Business from a Job to a Career
If you’re here reading this article, we know you’re invested in continuing education and are ready to grow to the next level. Nice work, and your clients probably thank you for your diligence. However, even the most intelligent trainers make these five common mistakes when going from a sole business owner to developing a thriving … Continue reading “Long-Term Business Development: How to take Your Business from a Job to a Career”
WTFitness is going on? – Spot A Scam Series (Part 1)
Results Performance Training has been open since 2011. Between 2001 and 2010 I had to work at a gajillion places as a trainer(also coach, teacher, and more). Today is part one in a series of just about everything they don’t want me to say. Why am I saying this ? My goals are to…. =>Prevent … Continue reading “WTFitness is going on? – Spot A Scam Series (Part 1)”
Too Busy? Injured? No excuses!!
I get these excuses a lot! Of course if it’s a serious injury that has to be taken care of before starting a training program. Today I am going to give you a few tips to make progress when it seems like everything is working against you! The first thing Is to realize that if … Continue reading “Too Busy? Injured? No excuses!!”
You’re doing it wrong (Technique)!!
I was scrolling through facebook the other day and saw a video of a group class that made me want to holler, and throw up both my hands!!! Today Let’s discuss the purple elephant in the corner of the room when it comes to group training. People doing the exercises wrong!! This is kind of … Continue reading “You’re doing it wrong (Technique)!!”
Did Bodybuilding Ruin Fitness?
Yes, and No. Let me explain. I am going to break this down into the positive, negative, and how to find information that applies to you! The positive – The positive is that cool book by Arnold I remember getting back when I was 16! So I guess it can provide a little motivation to see … Continue reading “Did Bodybuilding Ruin Fitness?”
Train to Thrive Past 40
Five training secrets to feeling your best as you age You can teach an old dog new tricks Step outside of your comfort zone. It’ll be good for you. Novel exercises require the body to work differently, and they provide a new stimulus. Therefore, you’ll reap the rewards of working harder without having to over … Continue reading “Train to Thrive Past 40”
Can You Sustain It?!
Writing this one from Boston after attending an awesome Perform Better Conference! My goal is to take the entire conference and sum it up with one sentence. This will be hard because when I start talking about things I am passionate about I can go on for days. So here is it goes…… Success NEVER … Continue reading “Can You Sustain It?!”
Tell me what to eat Detric!!! (Q and A)
I get this question a lot! My number one goal is to set our members up for LONG TERM success. Developing habits that last a life time, which allows you to lose weight AND KEEP IT OFF. Some of you have lost the same 10lbs, like 20 times, so keeping it off is important. I … Continue reading “Tell me what to eat Detric!!! (Q and A)”
Thoughts on Crossfit? (Q and A)
I love the questions!! Keep them coming!! Q. What are your thoughts on crossfit? I get this question a lot. I also get people asking me “is it like crossfit?” when asking me about what we do at RPT. The answer to that question is no. Not even close. I in no way, shape, or … Continue reading “Thoughts on Crossfit? (Q and A)”
Terrible Fitness Information!!
Today I am going to take some time to share some must read articles from people I trust. There is too much information out there. The majority of it is worthless and does more harm than good. I plan to highlight a few in the industry that deserve more attention!! Check out the articles and … Continue reading “Terrible Fitness Information!!”
Epic Fail- Transformation Edition
The stories you are about to hear are true. The names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. I have a reputation for telling it like it is. The truth is that not everyone who walks in the door loses 100lbs. Our members get results because of the accountability, coaching, atmosphere, and education … Continue reading “Epic Fail- Transformation Edition”
People still believe this?! – Fitness Myths
Let me dive right in this weekend with fitness myths. The main reason I blog is because I am sick and tired of these overnight certified trainers spreading myths. I am sick and tired of people taking advantage of what you don’t know to make money. I am sick and tired of people who just … Continue reading “People still believe this?! – Fitness Myths”
Football and Fat Loss?! + Bold Prediction
I am ready for the game! So today I am going to provide some fat loss tips with a football theme! Games are won before the players even step on the field – When someone comes to me with a goal of fat loss the first thing we address is blocking out time to meal prep, … Continue reading “Football and Fat Loss?! + Bold Prediction”
Best/Worst Exercises- Chest/Shoulders/Triceps Edition
What is the best exercise for…….?? Today I am going to focus on Chest, shoulders, and triceps and then later articles will go into back, lower body, core, and more! This is a question I receive a lot and today I will attempt to send out my thoughts to thousands of people, with different goals. … Continue reading “Best/Worst Exercises- Chest/Shoulders/Triceps Edition”
Want to lose 30lbs?
Or maybe 10, 40, 70, or 100? Our members have done it! A few tips and how I plan to make this happen. For those current members who already know what we represent scroll down to ……TIPS TO LOSE 20LBS(OR 40, 70, 100). If you have a friend that needs to read this then forward … Continue reading “Want to lose 30lbs?”
Formula for fat loss?!
A few fat loss tips today but first lets remember to say congrats to the members above next time you see them! And one more thing before the fat loss tips—sitting on the fence people do me a favor…don’t assume but ask. We added the price range for each service to the main site and … Continue reading “Formula for fat loss?!”
How to get injured (Part 1)
I have been fortunate to not have any serious injuries over the years. I have had a few minor injuries that I plan to talk about in part 2 of this post. Today I am going to give you a few tips on how to not mess yourself up……. The first rule of coaching is…….”First … Continue reading “How to get injured (Part 1)”
Goals Overrated?! (Tips/specials)
I am huge fan of having goals to shoot for so the answer is no! A few post back I talked about the power of visualization and why you should write (not type) your goals down. A goal without a plan is just a wish! Below are a few tips to set goals the right … Continue reading “Goals Overrated?! (Tips/specials)”
6-Week Transformation Challenge
The Done-for-You, 6-Week Transformation Challenge will include: 6 Weekly Printable Grocery Lists Complete Recipe Manual (over 60 new recipes!) Complete (BRAND NEW) Client Success Manual 42 Inspirational Daily Emails (& pics) Getting Started Checklist for Clients Goal Worksheet Dining Out Swap Guide Measurement Sheets and more… For Members – (Ebook and Documents) →$20 Pay via … Continue reading “6-Week Transformation Challenge”
Strength or Cardio?
Strength or Cardio? That’s like saying food or water? You need both! But to get to the point of the post today…… Traditional cardio is in no way, at all, superior to strength training for fat loss and body composition. Truth be told you will never outwork a bad diet so start there. And this … Continue reading “Strength or Cardio?”
2018 is almost over. (in my head) – Mental Game
2018 is almost over! What?! Lets talk about the most important part of transformation today! The mental game! The majority of you are defeated before you even start. You are stuck in a cycle of starting and stopping over and over again. The last game, that defeat, is stuck in your head. So today I … Continue reading “2018 is almost over. (in my head) – Mental Game”
Top Articles/Post from past week!
Excited to have a feature In the New Year’s Edition of Men’s Journal! Check out the medicine ball workout (page 94) Today I am going to highlight a few post from my blog that you might not have seen yet. I will also share a few articles based around our different services.. ***Beginners Boot Camp! Yes, … Continue reading “Top Articles/Post from past week!”
Featured in Men’s Journal!
Excited to have a feature In the New Year’s Edition of Men’s Journal! Check out the medicine ball workout (page 94)
You can do it! (Beginners/Back into the swing of things!)
The number one concern I hear is…….”I can’t keep up!” I am here to tell you…. Yes, You can!! Let me get right to the point with a few reasons why….. At Results we are very direct with who we serve, and who we don’t. We are in no way, shape, or form crossfit, or … Continue reading “You can do it! (Beginners/Back into the swing of things!)”
Survive the Holiday Party
So you are at Aunt Edna’s house. The macaroni’s soggy, the peas are mushed, and the chicken tastes like wood. Sweets are everywhere!! Not to mention enough alcoholic beverages to supply an ABC store. More than enough to prevent good decisions from being made the rest of the night! For the average person this is … Continue reading “Survive the Holiday Party”
We stand against……
Group classes where the instructor does not correct technique Overnight certified instructors who just got into this business to make a quick buck. Programs that are so intense they just injure people. Or frustrate them because they throw beginners or those getting into the swing of things with everyone else Over priced group and personal … Continue reading “We stand against……”
IN A RELATIONSHIP…with Results Performance Training?!
as I sit here and write this on a Sunday I will try to make it short and to the point. The goal of RPT is to be the complete opposite of …commercial gyms, hardcore fitness places, the fake backed by science exaggeration places that sell lies, or some late night infomercial. Results is in … Continue reading “IN A RELATIONSHIP…with Results Performance Training?!”
Start With Why (special offers inside!)
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! For those that missed our black Friday specials you still have until November 29th! The link is below.. https://resultsperformancetraining.com/black-friday-specials/ The title of this one is also the title of one of my favorite books “Start with Why.” When I sit across from people at the free success session I am trying to … Continue reading “Start With Why (special offers inside!)”
Featured in Men’s Health
For up and coming trainer…. Check out this link below where I was featured in Men’s Health! 9 Ways to Improve Your Fitness Blog
Have Faith, Take Action (Lessons from Minnesota)
I had a great weekend hanging out in Minnesota with some pretty cool people! Writing this from the airport today with a few lessons I learned that can help you in reaching your fitness goals, or any goal. I came here to hang out with my buddy Justin Yule from the transformation club. Justin has … Continue reading “Have Faith, Take Action (Lessons from Minnesota)”
Virtual Sessions – Recording
Video 2 Video 3 Video 4 Video 5 Video 6 Video 7 Video 8 Video 9 Video 10 Video 11 Video 12 Video 13 Video 14 Video 15 Video 16 Video 17 Video 18 Video 19 Video 20 Video 21 Video 22 Video 23 Video 24 Video 25 Video 26 Video 27 Video 28 Video … Continue reading “Virtual Sessions – Recording”
Is your foundation Weak?
If your foundation is weak you are the person who will start and stop programs over and over again. If you have a strong foundation you can make any program work! During the free success session we take the time to find your specific bottleneck. We find out what is holding you back from reaching … Continue reading “Is your foundation Weak?”
Don’t copy off the gifted kid!
A disturbing trend I see in fitness are people taking cookie cutter programs and advice from so called “professionals.” Programs that are not geared towards their specific needs. In most cases people take advice from a book or a trainer who has not taken the time to assess YOUR specific needs. I strongly encourage all of … Continue reading “Don’t copy off the gifted kid!”
Q and A: Best and Worst Exercises?!
Huge thanks to those who are sending over questions! I answer every single one of them and they give me something to write about! You do not have to be a member to ask me questions! Thanks for the positive (and negative)feedback. Results Performance Training is probably not going to be a good fit for those who … Continue reading “Q and A: Best and Worst Exercises?!”
Is your mindset holding you back?
I have worked with quite a few people since 2001. I can say, without a doubt, the transformation process is more mental than physical. Today I am going to touch on a few mindsets that are preventing people from reaching their fitness goals. If you have said any of these things send over an email … Continue reading “Is your mindset holding you back?”
Pain before Progress
I am fortunate enough to witness some amazing transformations at our studio. My favorite thing to do is the no charge success session. I love to know the story behind the upcoming transformation. One common theme with just about all of them is pain. I am referring to emotional pain , not physical. We live … Continue reading “Pain before Progress”
The Fitness Industry Secret?!
The fitness industry does not want you to know this secret. I am telling you because it gets on my nerves to see people put their trust in “professionals” just to work hard and not get results. Here is the secret in 3, 2… The sad truth that no one in our industry wants to … Continue reading “The Fitness Industry Secret?!”
Complicated Sells. Simple Works.
The fitness industry wants to make things complicated so you can’t figure it out. They want to make it seem like there is some magic formula. You are wasting money on a bunch of gadgets, equipment, and programs that don’t work. We stand for education. My goal is to remove the clutter between you and … Continue reading “Complicated Sells. Simple Works.”
Training Around an Injury?
At some point during your exercise and training career you will probably have to deal with working around an injury. Below are a few tips to keep you pushing forward, improve things, and of course not make things worse. This is geared towards the average person whose goal is to look better and feel better. … Continue reading “Training Around an Injury?”
Small changes = Huge results
Whenever I sit across from someone at a consultation they want to know the secret to losing 20lbs overnight. The problem is they gained that 20lbs over the past decade because of one small negative habit. Maybe they have been slacking on their exercise routine. Maybe it’s one small thing in regards to nutrition they … Continue reading “Small changes = Huge results”
Carbs, Chicago, and Community
Great weekend learning from some of the best at the Elite Fitness and Performance Summit in Chicago! Writing a quick one today with a few things that might help you reach your fitness goals. I Learned a lot, met a lot of cool people, and I also ate carbs. Yes, I ate carbs. And they were … Continue reading “Carbs, Chicago, and Community”
Football and Fitness?!
Football and Fitness?! It’s finally football season! You either love it, hate it, or could care less. I am going to write a few random thoughts on how football and fitness have a lot in common. Don’t worry, if you don’t know the difference between a quarterback and linebacker you will still get something out … Continue reading “Football and Fitness?!”
Too Busy to Workout?!?!
Too Busy to Workout?!?! Excerpted from an interview with Dr. S.A. Foster of honorabledistinction.com and author of “Woman of Honorable Distinction: Lessons of Lydia“ What is the number 1 challenge that women face with managing their weight when they come to you? Detric: I find the biggest challenge my female clients face is the mindset going into their … Continue reading “Too Busy to Workout?!?!”
The Issue Isn’t Your Lack of Technique
The Issue Isn’t Your Lack of Technique Let me set the scene. I was on vacation in need of a training spot, so decided to make do at the nearest commercial gym. In between sets of split squats, during which I admittedly was taking too long, I look over my shoulder to see a trainer … Continue reading “The Issue Isn’t Your Lack of Technique”
Training for Fat Loss: Why Body Part Splits Don’t Work
Training for Fat Loss: Why Body Part Splits Don’t Work Detric Smith, NSCA CSCS, ACSM EP-C, Look, the fact of the matter is, the average client trying to lose weight hasn’t been in the gym regularly for years. They’ve been jerked around by every fad diet and worked with a few trainers. Real results need … Continue reading “Training for Fat Loss: Why Body Part Splits Don’t Work”
Your Kid Is Not a Pro Athlete
Professional athletes were once kids themselves. They didn’t start throwing 60-yard touchdowns at age seven. While they might have been exceptionally gifted, every professional athlete grew from a novice by following a progressive training plan with great coaching. It’s not news that your kid needs to work hard to become better. However, parents often don’t … Continue reading “Your Kid Is Not a Pro Athlete”
6 High-Protein Snacks For Your Summer Road Trip
The best part of any summer road trip is the sense of freedom to go where you want to go, do what you want to do, and eat what you want to eat. Wait. Scratch that last part. If you’re killin’ it in the gym and working hard toward your goals, it’s important to keep … Continue reading “6 High-Protein Snacks For Your Summer Road Trip”
Can’t Do Pull-Ups? Here’s Your Game Plan
There are two inconvenient truths about pull-ups. One, they’re a standard marker of fitness. Two, just performing a single pull-up is extremely difficult without upper-body strength — making them a real pride-killer to practice at the gym. But it’s not impossible to master this tough exercise, and you don’t need a gym membership to learn … Continue reading “Can’t Do Pull-Ups? Here’s Your Game Plan”
When There is Money to Be Made
Can we begin a massive shift in fitness and general health? We work in the best industry in the world, but even after changing lives I sometimes feel defeated when I see the sad state we have reached. If there is more money to be made from telling a lie, will the truth ever come … Continue reading “When There is Money to Be Made”
Random Thoughts on Nutrition and Training
Detric Smith, CSCS, USAW, ACSM-HFI Deload and recovery An advanced trainee who loves training needs to know when to back things off. He should have planned deload weeks, which should be included in his program, and he should know when his body needs a break. I consider an advanced trainee someone who can squat twice … Continue reading “Random Thoughts on Nutrition and Training”
Performance Training to Look Better
Detric Smith, CSCS, USAW, ACSM-HFI Performance training for improved looks is a concept that seems to get lost behind the dozens of magazines that promote your favorite bodybuilder and the supplements they’re trying to sell us. However, it can also be used as a means to improve the way you look (along with the proper … Continue reading “Performance Training to Look Better”
Why You Need a Coach: The Little Big Things
by Detric Smith, CSCS, USAW, ACSM-HFI For most of you reading this article who used to compete in sports, think back to your younger days. Can you imagine stepping on the field without the direction of a coach? Without someone calling the plays? Without someone providing structure and discipline? Without someone making you do the … Continue reading “Why You Need a Coach: The Little Big Things”
8 Factors That Could Be Holding You Back
8 Factors That Could Be Holding You Back Wondering why you aren’t seeing the success that you desire? Feel as though you aren’t moving forward as you had hoped you would? The fact is, many things can hold you back from reaching your goals. And, only when you realize what it is that’s holding you back will … Continue reading “8 Factors That Could Be Holding You Back”
Baseball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention
Baseball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention Baseball is a long season that demands precision and excellence at every turn. You’ve got to time split second reactions, whip a throw to first, smack a ball out of the park or leap to keep it from sailing over the fence. How you train and play at a young … Continue reading “Baseball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention”
Softball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention
Softball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention Softball has a long season that demands precision and excellence at every turn. You’ve got to time split second reactions, whip a throw to first, smack a ball out of the park or leap to keep it from sailing over the fence. How you train and play at a young … Continue reading “Softball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention”
Volleyball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention
Volleyball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention Volleyball matches can be hard-hitting on the joints. Between diving on the floor and continuous jumping to block, serve, or spike, the game itself is a recipe for bumps and bruises. You’ve got to time split second reactions, sacrifice your body on the floor, and land athletically just to leap … Continue reading “Volleyball Sports Performance- Injury Prevention”
About Me, About Results Performance Training
I can’t tell the story of Results Performance Training without some background on me and my experience. Below is a quick overview of things I have done…… VCU graduate – Kinesiology Assisted with Strength and Conditioning at VCU as a Volunteer Worked at a sports performance center Worked at quite a few commercial gyms as … Continue reading “About Me, About Results Performance Training”
Stop Dieting!
We are about a week away from diet season! You know, nothing beats waiting until 2017 to start making progress towards your goals! I have a love-hate relationship with January. I love to see so many people taking actions towards their fitness and health goals, but I hate to see so many of them fail because they … Continue reading “Stop Dieting!”
How To Save BIG On Personal Training
Discover The Secrets That Commercial Gyms Don’t Want You To Know! Save money on Personal Training, & reduce the time it takes to reach your fitness goals! After 6 months I am down 60 pounds! You helped me get healthy. You helped me like ME again. I am so truly grateful to you and to all of … Continue reading “How To Save BIG On Personal Training”
28 Day Transformation
Lose 10lbs in the Next 28 Days?!? The 28 Day Transformation is a “Done For You” Nutritional Program, to help you lose weight and develop habits that last the rest of your life. If you want someone to break it down for you step-by-step, show you how to lose the fat, and how to keep … Continue reading “28 Day Transformation”
Fitness Scams: New Does Not Mean Better!
Can you handle the truth? If not, then don’t continue reading! I have a love -hate relationship with the fitness industry. I love it because it has changed my life and has allowed me to do the same for others over the past 15 years. That said, I hate the fact that the money involved in … Continue reading “Fitness Scams: New Does Not Mean Better!”
Fitness Scams: Functional Training
3 Reasons Why the Term “Functional Training” Doesn’t Mean Anything If there’s one fitness term that has exploded into the mainstream, it’s the word “functional”. You see this word used everywhere now. Whether a celebrity is trying to sell you a “functional” training system or an exercise guru wants you to transform your body using … Continue reading “Fitness Scams: Functional Training”
Burpees for Boobs
During the month of October, First-Time Visitors and Returning Members are invited to join in on one of our current boot camps with a reduced walk-in fee of ONLY $10 with proceeds going to Beyond Boobs! Form your own group with friends or have a friend join one of our current boot camp times. To … Continue reading “Burpees for Boobs”
Fitness Boot Camps
Fitness Boot Camps: for more information about the Fitness Boot Camps click on the tab above and take advantage of our free trial session Personal Training: Train one on one with a certified and degreed personal trainer that will get you closer to your fitness goals every session. Group Personal Training: Train in a small … Continue reading “Fitness Boot Camps”