Low Cost Marketing Options for Personal Trainers - Networking
Most personal trainers ask me “How am I supposed to compete against the big gyms when it comes to marketing? I am broke! ”
I am sure you have heard business coaches say it takes money to make money. This is true to an extent. As your business grows,you should be investing back into your business in every possible way.
When you are first starting it’s a grind. But you have a few things on your side that can help you get clients, even if you are broke. In this series of blog posts I plan to discuss a few marketing methods personal trainers can use to get clients.
Network Marketing for Personal Trainers
About 15 years ago I moved to Williamsburg to start my personal training business. I knew absolutely no one in the area. I had a full time job as a teacher while training people before and after my school day.
I was not exactly breaking the bank as a teacher. I was not able to spend money on ads, direct mail, or anything to acquire clients. I had to hustle and use some grassroots techniques with the main one being networking.
Most trainers say they are networking, but they are not! They have no systems in place at all. They put no effort into it. And just like the clients they train, they have no patience.
A few strategies you will need to put into place….
Write it down! —
Create documents to organize your networking list. Every trainer I meet says they network, but they just have it up in their head. No!
Create a google doc , excel, or anything to record people you meet under categories. This is the first thing I do with the trainers that I coach in my Business Coaching for Personal Trainers program.
Use LinkedIN, FB, Instagram, and other social media networks —
Now I know most of you younger ones out there are not doing a lot with FB. I can hear you saying “but that is for old people!” Yeah, as in old people who have the money and time to actually pay you for your services!
I can also hear you old people saying “But I can’t keep up with all these platforms the young people are on! I did not grow up with that stuff!” You will be the first one’s getting left behind. Suck it up and adjust to the times!
When I first moved to the area I connected with a lot of local celebrities so to speak. Back then it was mostly using FB and LinkedIN. Your goal is to get people in your area to see you are connected to a lot of these people. Even if you do not train them. Others will assume you train them or you are a person they should meet.
These platforms will also help you organize your network. They help you see how people are connected. They will make you realize just how small this world is!
Don’t forget the obvious!
So many personal trainers forget to list their entire network of family , friends, or businesses they frequent.
“Oh, well they can’t afford my services” or “They won’t hire me as a coach.” Yes, that might be true. But I can GUARANTEE you they know someone who can.
It’s a small world out there! Think about opportunities and keep an open mind!
Get out to local events!
Get away from the gym and meet people in the community! I have been able to get so many clients from working at coffee houses, having conversations, and handing over my business cards.
Find local events that support nonprofits in the area. Most would be excited if you donated a silent auction gift around your training services.
Start a newsletter !
This is another great way to grow and organize your network! The best way to stay in front of a potential client long term is providing great content to their inbox!
Writing has made me so much money over the years! They will appreciate this so much more than hearing “buy my training” a million times from you! You want to be in front of them when they are ready to make a decision to change their health. This is a BIG decision for them, so use your content to build trust over time.
“But, I am not a writer!” Practice it, or hire a coach and/or writer! If you need any assistance developing content or finding writers text “fitness content creation” to 757 589 7028 and I can send you more info on hiring writers!
One more thing. If you like my content, make sure you sign up for my newsletter here => Detric Smith Newsletter
3 ways to work with me!
Are you a New Personal Trainer Looking for Guidance to Get certified and Survive your first year or two of training? Check out my “Certified, Now What?!” Coaching Services and TEXT “ Survive Year One” to 757 589 7028 to set up a No charge consultation to Learn More!
Trying to make a REAL Career out of Fitness?! Check out my individualized Business Coaching for Personal Trainers and TEXT “ PT CAREER” to 757 589 7028 to set up a No charge consultation to Learn More!
Are you a studio owner or Fitness Manager Looking for A Trainer/Studio owner with over 2 decades of experience to Develop your Staff? TEXT “Staff Development” to 757 589 7028 for More information!