Pain before Progress

I am fortunate enough to witness some amazing transformations at our studio.  My favorite thing to do is the no charge success session. I love to know the story behind the upcoming transformation. One common theme with just about all of them is pain. I am referring to emotional pain , not physical.

We live in a highlight reel world. Go to facebook and you will see pics and posts from your friends covering up the real story. The problem comes when you compare yourself to them without knowing the real story. If they are really  successful they had major setbacks along the way. I can guarantee this.

Personally, I can’t think of a single success that came without pain. Not one. I remember the sting of that coach cutting me with the words “you are too weak” before I competed in powerlifting and made a career out of making people stronger and healthier. I remember the teacher who refused to write me a reference letter before I went on to graduate in 3 years. I remember those who doubted me (and still do) when I left my teaching career to go “all in” on Results Performance Training. Those are just the examples I am willing to share with a bunch of complete strangers who follow my blog and newsletter! So, yeah, this life thing is not easy.

Your past failure is not a death sentence unless you make it one. You have that choice. It can be your biggest advantage if you get out of your own head. If you learn from it. If you let it motivate you.

We can talk about workout programs, diets, and new exercises but it’s just part of the success equation.  I can sit here and say we have the best workout in the world but they all say that. Some even flat out lie to potential members with their claims. I prefer to tell you the truth, and then be there for you when you are ready. The responsibility of being someone’s last chance means more to me than being your first choice.

So what is your pain? What keeps you up at night? Some of you lack confidence because of your physical appearance. Some of you just want to move without pain. Some of you just want to enjoy the little things in life again. ALL OF YOU  have the ability to change this. You just need to take the first step and ask for help.

We all have breakdown or breakthrough moments in our life. You have a choice. So what is your decision? The decision to finally see this thing through, to the end, has to come first.