The number one concern I hear is…….”I can’t keep up!” I am here to tell you…. Yes, You can!! Let me get right to the point with a few reasons why…..
At Results we are very direct with who we serve, and who we don’t. We are in no way, shape, or form crossfit, or like these extreme fitness places.
We have improved our training systems since 2012 to include our level system and red light/green light system. It has been a game changer for our members! We saw what the Burg Community needed the most, and we changed up our training style.
The level system- So we start with an initial NO CHARGE ONE ON ONE SUCCESS SESSION to find your starting point. No obligation at all. We are not going to sell you into a program that is not a good fit. We have a reputation. We don’t make our money off people that don’t show, memberships, like all the other places!
So some examples…….
We remove getting up and down
We remove all jumps
We remove rapid movements
We use only bodyweight for weeks, or in some cases months, and this is fine!
We make sure your technique is perfect.
No extreme exercises like burpees, etc.
we start slower than you think you should!
We create an environment where you feel comfortable and safe doing this!! You only compete with yourself!!
our red light/green light system? We basically …..
Tell you what exercises to remove based on the NO CHARGE SUCCESS SESSION. No need to have you jump up and down a million times if you have a knee issue!!!
Would you like to learn more? Respond to this email with a few good times of the day and we can set up your free success session! In addition to our regular groups we have now added…..
No contract options
Personal training
Semi private training
Partner training
And for the next week you can get your first 4 weeks, 28 days(about 12 sessions) for only 69.99!! (Regular prices $90 to $127 per month)
Don’t Assume. Ask!! And if you want to come view a session then just tell us!
Check out our new site for more info!!
Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM EP-C