Start With Why (special offers inside!)

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

For those that missed our black Friday specials you still have until November 29th! The link is below..

The title of this one is also the title of one of my favorite books “Start with Why.”

When I sit across from people at the free success session I am trying to  figure out their why. Losing weight is usually because they want to be more confident or  become a good role model for their kids. If it’s someone in our sports performance group getting faster might represent playing on the next level in college. If it’s someone in our active ageing program improving balance and mobility might allow them to enjoy the little things in life again.

The why, the goal,  always comes before what we will do. Before how we will do it. I think this is the reason most places fail and why we get results with our members. We are not just trainers, but educators and coaches. If the exercise was your motivator half of you would not be in the situation you are right now correct? It is much deeper than that, and we go there.

At the core of our philosophy on getting results is education. We want you to know why things work, why we are doing what we do, and encourage a ton of questions.

I am going to take someone whose goal is fat loss and explain  WHY IT WORKS, OR DOES NOT………

***Fat loss programs work because they get you into a caloric deficit through diet and exercise. If the program does not do this, it will not work. no shot! If you remove gluten, carbs, fat,  manipulate insulin and then fail to reach this deficit you will not lose a pound. Not a single one.

Every diet does this but they can’t sell books calling it “the caloric deficit diet”. It’s not sexy enough. They have to disguise taking in more protein and nutrients as …low carb, paleo, low fat, no sugar, clean eating, etc. They know when you increase the protein intake you will not be as hungry and end up eating less. They know if they get you to eat normal, but restrict your window of eating hours (intermittent fasting) the calories end being less over time. They know if they get you to track every little thing you put in your mouth with a point system you will eat less. So it brings us back to….



***You have to maintain this caloric deficit over time in order to get results and maintain them! I make recommendations like increasing protein, fiber, water, and nutrient dense foods to prevent you from being hungry all the time. I am trying to override that signal from your brain that says……”this crazy person is not giving me anything I actually need! I am going to keep eating until I get them!” And trust me when your brain sends you this message there is no amount of self – discipline that will ALWAYS  overcome it! 

***You overeat because of habit or hunger. The hunger issue is pretty easy to solve. I mentioned a few points above. The habit issue is why I always have that free success session to dive into your challenges. I have done so many things,  none are just generic do this statements.  They are based on your specific challenges! Keeping the weight off is important so we have focus on habits!

***You MUST adjust every single generic diet plan to you!!! We adjust all of our exercise programs based on your previous exercise history, injuries, schedule, goals, budget, etc. It has to be done for diet also!! If your plan involves foods you hate or taste like cardboard you will not follow it long. If it has no wiggle room at all you will not stay on your plan!! It Is the reason why I don’t even like for people  to purchase our 28 day jump start without taking advantage of the free consultation and food log reviews


My why for Results Performance Training  Is pretty simple…….change lives. Exercise is just a part of the equation to do it. Education, accountability, and coaching are also required. If you need any of these things hit the reply button and send over those questions!

Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM Exercise Physiologist

P.S- For those interested in the books I recommend we are adding them all to this link on my blog.  Feel free to respond with a few of your favorites so I can check them out!

Have Faith, Take Action (Lessons from Minnesota)

I had a great weekend hanging out in Minnesota with some pretty cool people! Writing this from the airport today with a few lessons I learned that can help you in reaching your fitness goals, or any goal.

I came here to hang out with my buddy Justin Yule from the transformation club. Justin has done amazing things transforming lives in Minnesota and has written a few books also if you want to check them out…

Lesson one- You need a mentor and ACCOUNTABILITY

When I started Results Performance Training back in 2011 the first thing I had to do was find mentors who had done what I wanted to do. I had already been training people for a decade at that point, but the business side was new to me. Without  people like Justin (and many others) to provide knowledge and hold me accountable RPT would not exist today. No shot. None.

RPT is not a franchise model or commercial gym where all the systems were laid out for me. I had to figure all of this out. It has helped a ton to learn from the mistakes of others so I did not have to make them! I also made sure to choose the right mentor who was doing what I wanted to do. I wanted a studio like his, not some place that puts sales and memberships over actually helping people and getting results.

In regards to your fitness goals choosing the right mentor is critical. Accountability is even more important. Don’t just pick someone because they have 6 pack abs and I discuss that more here..   If you have someone holding you accountable, even an average program can work well. The best program in the world will not work without accountability.

Lesson two- Know the difference between spending money and making an investment! 

I have invested tons of money on mentorship groups, books, and being able to network with people in the industry.  I did not say spend money, because there is HUGE  a difference. I got all of that money back and then some. Saved a lot of time also!

I also see this with people trying to get in shape. They waste their money on products and places that don’t work, compared to investing in proven methods and coaching. That workout DVD might work for the 3 weeks when you are motivated to use it, but after that? People spend  money on  worthless supplements  and then say they cant afford training? People spend all their money on eating out and then complain they cant afford training?

The magic is in the education and coaches to hold you accountable! Make sure you get a return on your fitness  investment! Think about….

  • Being confident again
  • spending quality time with your kids/grandkids
  • more energy to attack your goals
  • All the little things you will not be able to do anymore if you don’t take action
  • Being a good role model for your kids

Is that worth it? If not then you need to get your priorities checked.

Lesson 3- Work ethic and being consistent over time 

I had the cool experience to visit Paisley Park while I was in Minnesota! That was the home of Prince for those who don’t know. If you don’t know Prince then I am excited to say I have subscribers from another planet! It was awesome, but let me stay on track here!

I am obsessed with anyone that performs at the highest level.  If you want to reach your fitness goals, start a business, or become a better parent they all require work. Consistent work, over time!  I would be willing to bet Prince worked harder than just about every musician. No doubt talent was there, but he worked harder than all of them on a CONSISTENT basis.

You will not be reaching your fitness goals without blocking out the time to put the work in! You will also need to have patience and be consistent!

Lesson 4- Success is a Team game! 

While I was here I also had a chance to hang out with one of our first trainers Erin from back in 2012! For those who have been with us for the long haul she says hello! It was crazy to take a step back and look at what has happened with RPT since 2011!

The lesson is pretty simple here. You are nothing without your team. You are the average of the people you hang out with the most. Choose them wisely and invest in them. I am nothing without our trainers Lizzie, Brittney,  Jacob, Tristan, and Rebecca. I am nothing without Heather and Caitlin holding it down behind the scenes with scheduling, billing, and all the day to day stuff! There are way more people to mention here that have made RPT what it is! I am also blessed to have an amazing family, loyal friends, and your support!

Lesson 5- Have Faith and Take Action 

Justin has a tattoo that says Have Faith and Take Action. We can all live by these words. Too many of you are sitting on the fence when it comes to your goals and dreams.

Life is too short to not take action today. You have to believe. It’s hard for those who have failed over and over again to see a different outcome. I created RPT for those people. The vision back in 2011 was to the change the lives of those who don’t fit in at commercial gyms. To change the lives of those who need more guidance. To not be like all these hardcore fitness places that only work for those with experience working out. Thankful to say we have been able to do that and thanks so much for those who gave me a shot. There is still time for the rest of you on this newsletter, but you have less time than you think. Take action today by hitting REPLY because I am here to help!


Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM Exercise Physiologist

P.S. If you like articles like this remember to follow me on my blog site   and then become a fan of our Facebook page


Is your foundation Weak?

If your foundation is weak you are the person who will start and stop programs over and over again. If you have a strong foundation you can make any program work! During the free success session we take the time to find your specific bottleneck. We find out what is holding you back from reaching your goals. An example of just a few things we discuss are below……..

Diet – (not required but no extra charge for our members if the goal is fat loss)
*food prep
*grocery list
*realistic goal setting
*time blocking
*satiety- protein, fiber, water, nutrient analysis
*hunger vs habit?
*reduce the frequency/amount of trigger foods..not just saying don’t eat this!
*reasonable substitutes for those foods
*progress, not perfection

I can get results with someone who eats 6 times per day or someone who follows intermittent fasting. I can get results with someone who is a vegan or someone who follows a paleo diet. I get you to remove the stupid names you have for your diets and focus on principles. Only then will you find something that works, long term.

Exercise –
*mobility, balance, flexibility, posture
*cardiovascular health
*strength assessment/weaknesses
*risk:reward analysis for exercises so you don’t get injured!
*find your starting point based on your previous exercise history (level system)
*intensity sweet spot
*time blocking
*realistic goal setting
*…..showing up to your sessions!

I can get results with quite a few different exercise programs after I help you build a strong foundation. Most people get frustrated when they can’t perform an exercise the right way or their program does not work. I take the time to see if its a mobility issue? strength? if the exercise is even needed to reach your goals? It’s called actually listening and looking at the big picture. Sadly most so called fitness “professionals” skip this part!

The consultation is way more than that of course! We take the time to go over medical history, explain the programs, and see what has worked or not worked for you in the past. If you skip the process of building a strong foundation you will just end up frustrated and nothing will work! You will be the person who loses the same 10 pounds over and over again but can’t keep it off!

I don’t believe in a one size fits all program which is why we have so many different options. Some people love our groups with a level system, others prefer semi-private or even one on one. We have our metabolic reboot for fat loss, active ageing, and even our sports performance programs. We take the time to understand your budget, schedule, and even have programs that do not involve a membership.

Even with our $20, 28 day nutrition transformation program (, I take the time to do a no charge phone consult for those who are not even in the state of Virginia. I will tell you if its not a good fit or help you ease into it!

The foundation of Results Performance Training = Results and Relationships. I left the big box gyms because my values did not align with theirs. We coach and teach when the others just train. We listen to your needs compared to those who just talk about having the best workout in the world. The other 23 hours count, and no one even comes close to coaching them the way we do. Fitness professionals should have to prove themselves before taking your money. Make them!

I also realize everyone is not a great fit for us. People that are a good fit for us value……

*Education- not exaggerated backed by science claims (AKA lies)
*See the value in fitness professionals, not overnight certified trainers
*They are fun, and have a sense of humor
*Ready to become a part of something bigger than themselves (help the community)
*Coachable and ready to be held accountable to getting results

Lack of experience, previous injuries, and failing other programs does not disqualify you….IT MAKES YOU THE PERFECT FIT!! Don’t worry, you will not be walking into a room with a bunch of super advanced people worrying about trying to keep up . Members choose us because a typical group class with an instructor who is not correcting technique is not a good fit for them. They choose us because these hardcore exercise programs that turn fitness into a competition with others is not for them.

So email us at [email protected] or send a text to 757 589 7028 to set up your free success session. A no charge meeting to dive into your specific goals. If you already know we are the perfect fit for you then HIT REPLY with your goals and we will send over the… services, prices, schedule, and any other information you are looking for.

Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM Exercise Physiologist


Don’t copy off the gifted kid!

A disturbing trend I see in fitness are people taking cookie cutter programs and advice from so called “professionals.” Programs that are not geared towards their specific needs. In most cases people take advice from a book or a trainer who has not taken the time to assess YOUR  specific needs. I strongly encourage all of you to do your research on the people you take advice from. Their experience? Certifications? Degrees? Do they get results with people like you?

Sadly some “professionals” in our industry can get away with the “I look good so listen to me” marketing technique, and it works?!?! This is one thing I will never get. If a doctor or physical therapist looked great and they had no degree, experience, or certifications would you take them seriously? If they had a certification that required   a weekend course would you go to them for advice? I am here to tell you there is no difference when it comes to picking a trainer to work with your body. None. Of course they should practice what they preach, but look at the big picture.

If a trainer does not have the self-awareness to understand that what comes easy to them is a challenge for others, they will not be effective for 98.49er% of the people out there. It’s easy for the genetically gifted  amongst us to get results. There are some people that can look at a weight and get stronger. Some people  that came out running before they could crawl. They  also had some form of early success and/or  extreme interest(obsession)  in this area which then led to them putting in even more hours and being that much better than the average person.

I know my strengths and weaknesses. I will never forget my first trip to the rec center to lifts weights. I had just been cut from a team and told I was too weak. I remember going with my friend Adam who was a tall lanky pitcher who struck me and others out more than a few times. I never excelled is pure athletic sports, but pretty good at skill related sports/activities.  For those of you who have not met me I am not exactly the tallest person in the world. Some people have even used the word short to describe me. Like every other guy in America we went straight to the bench press and I finally found something I was better than him at. Finally an advantage to being short!  I had early success with lifting and never stopped. I studied every book to understand what was going on with the body because I knew I could not compete with the “gifted athletes.” Being average, and motivated by people telling me no, actually gave me an advantage for this career path!!

Below are  some assumptions to avoid for the 98.49er% of the people that need more than what most fitness “professionals” are providing…….

The trainer or new place is popular so they must be good! — Let me use an example with things you should not be eating. McDonald’s is more popular than that mom and pop spot serving the same burger correct? Which one is better? If something has taken off in the fitness industry it has probably been so watered down with overnight certified trainers and cookie cutter programs it will not help the 98.49er% Most of these places are only good for people that already know what to do.

They trained professional athletes and actors so they must be good enough for you!–   Early in my career I worked in the college setting and sports performance centers. It’s much easier to train someone who already has “the gift” and motivation to workout. They can succeed even if the trainer is bad. I was also a teacher for a while and realize a “gifted” kid will excel with anything you give them.

If they trained Jennifer Lopez or Morris Chesnutt it does not mean they are good at what they do.  I saw one of these workouts this past week marketed towards general population fat loss and it was terrible. There was no way you can follow this program without blowing out a knee! No way you can follow a program geared toward someone who has not missed workout in 20 years, if you are just starting up!

A real COACH, TEACHER, TRAINER,  can work their magic with someone who lacks natural gifts! I  take way  more pride in changing lives and COACHING people who actually need quality professionals! I take way more pride in being someone’s last chance, than their first choice.

They played in the NFL so I should take their advice! ……Don’t take advice from Tom Brady unless it’s about winning super bowls. Too many people think they can be fitness professionals even though they have not trained one person a day in their life! It really makes me mad when I see professionals ruining kids with these programs. Just because the coach was a great athlete does not mean your kids will turn into one because they worked with them.

They are a professional bodybuilder or crossfitter so they must know how to train me! — 10 times out of 9 the information coming from someone who works out 14 hours per week whose goal is to get to an unhealthy body fat percentage/compete does not apply to  98.49er% of people. I am in no way trashing their work ethic, knowledge, or sport.  It has nothing to do with your goals!! Following these programs are a good way to get injured and create eating disorders.

The trainer who trains everyone at what they are good at! —  Watch out for the trainer who takes whatever they are good at, and trains everyone like that! A good trainer starts by listening to your goals and then uses assessments to write the correct program FOR YOU!  If I just took what I was good at and had everyone do it 75%  would end injured with the other 25% losing motivation after 3 weeks.

If you are ready to get results then send over an email to to schedule your  FREE SUCCESS SESSION! I believe in helping you take baby steps. With each success you are building a habit that will last a lifetime. But you have to get started today!!

Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM EP-C, 49ers fan

Q and A: Best and Worst Exercises?!

Huge thanks to those who are sending over questions! I answer every single one of them and they give me something to write about! You do not have to be a member to ask me questions! Thanks for the positive (and negative)feedback. Results Performance Training is probably not going to be a good fit for those who don’t like to have fun, or have a sense of humor. It’s more than exercise.

Q- What do you consider the best strength training exercises? Worst?

A- This is a loaded question and I can write a book about it. I am assuming you have read 90 million books already,  failed to get results, and want me to get right to the point with my answer.  I will list some exercises after a few principles I follow when picking exercises/writing program design.

*There has to be some form of assessment/ questionnaire before I can just start giving you exercises. Maybe you have not worked out in the past 3 years? Maybe you have an injury? I can’t just throw you out there with someone and say “go on and jump!” or “run on the treadmill” even though your knees are already messed up! If someone is not willing to sit down and discuss YOUR SPECIFIC GOALS they are just taking your money. I am not going to just hand the same program to someone regardless of their goals. I take into consideration everything… age(different from age), amount of time you have to train, your mobility assessment, etc.

*risk vs reward- After the assessment we will know what exercises are simply not worth it, FOR YOU!  An exercise can be the best exercise for one person, and the worst exercise for the person next to them.

*Most people are short on time so Compound Exercises are better. Compound exercises are those that involve a lot of muscles at the same time. For example when you push you are working chest, shoulders, and triceps  at the same time.  Isolation exercises can be useful in some cases. The average person who just wants to lose some weight and feel better should not spend most of their time on them. For example a triceps kickback is an isolation exercise and it will not do anything for the back of your arms if it’s the focus of your program. You will not be burning very many calories while doing it either.

People end up doing a lot of isolation exercises because …….

*It’s the only thing they can do at a commercial gym and not look dumb

*They are easier than compound exercises

*Someone at the gym who  looks good said it will make your arms or butt look good

*They might “feel the burn”…this so called burn has not caused you to get stronger or lose a pound but it makes you feel like you are doing something

90 percent of machines are useless. I do however like pulley and cable machines and a few that work your back. People think they are safe on these machines when In reality it’s just restricting your body’s natural movement and causing more injuries. When you see that person load up a leg press and then barely move their legs, its doing nothing. When you see that person load up the leg press and then not adjust the seat right and round their low back they are in the process of getting injured.

Machines were created because it made commercial gyms scalable for business growth. It allowed these businesses to open up 90 million locations and then hire sales people who have never trained a person a day in their life. If you have ever been on that “commercial gym tour” where they show you the TV on the treadmill, cool machines, and their smoothie bar you know what I am talking about. And in case you were wondering there is no super treadmill that will cause you to burn 200 million calories in an hour. I will admit it’s a good business model to fool people into running in place. Not to mention the calorie counters are completely off..

Q- Detric, can you get to the point and tell me what exercises will make my butt look better,  my arms look “toned,” remove the fat from my mid-section, and then  make me look and feel 20 years younger in the next 28 days even if I miss half the sessions?

A- ugh, yeah, kind of. I will give you some of favorite exercises below.  If that is your question though,  you are better off taking advantage of the FREE 30 MIN SUCCESS SESSION.  You might need more help than my newsletter can provide. Don’t worry,  I wont give you “the tour” or lie about some super training method I created.

Category one- If Facebook would allow me to say in a relationship with these exercises then I would……..

Deadlift variations- You will probably have to pick up something off the floor at some point in your life so learn to do it right. RDLs, hex bar, kettlebells, off a step if you lack mobility, landmine, etc. The barbell can be great for those that have the mobility to do this without messing up their back.

Squat variations- I have about 200 million variations of this. After the assessment I would be able to tell you the best one for you.

Variations of pushing away from your body or above (for some people)- 90 million variations of this, but make sure you can do a push-up the right way before trying to load the barbell with more weight than you handle and then doing a partial bench press. I love dumbells since they are easier on the shoulders. I love the landmine presses because its easier then pressing above head on the shoulders.

Split squat and lunge variations (kind of)- For those who have a lot of weight to lose then it might not be a good fit. If you have knee issues it might not be a good fit. For someone who has back issues and wants to load their lower body(without bending over) they are amazing! I go with splits squats in place, then backward lunges (easier on the knees), regular lunges, and then later I increase the range of motion with the back foot on a step.  I also have variations to remove some bodyweight and help with balance if you are not ready for this.

Pulling variations – I LOVE THESE. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THESE. FOR EVERYONE! You are probably on your computer or phone reading this with terrible posture. You need to row more. All of you!

Plank variations/anti rotation ab exercises – I am not a huge fan of things like sit ups and tons of rotation but I do like planks and most variations of them.

Equipment I like– TRX, sleds, hex bars, landmine trainers, kettlebells (it depends on the person and the exercise), bands, dumbells, med balls, barbells(for the right person!) and I will throw in the battle ropes because everyone loves them! There is no magic about any of them. If someone is making it seem like they cure  all of your problems don’t listen to them. They are all tools to help you reach a goal.

I plan to talk about  exercises I hate in a future article. If you have questions about a specific exercise or program then hit reply and ask! I love questions! I hate to see people wasting their time in the gym, getting hurt, and not getting results.


Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM EP-C, still a 49ers fan

P.S- did you know about our PROGRAM DESIGN SERVICES?! This is perfect for people that might not be local, have a gym membership elsewhere or a home gym they don’t know how to use, or maybe you are motivated and need an occasional check in session/new program. No membership required for this option. Send over an email ( or text me at 757 589 7028 to discuss our different options based on your goals.

Is your mindset holding you back?

I have worked with quite a few people since 2001. I can say, without a doubt, the transformation process is more mental than physical. Today I am going to touch on a few mindsets that are preventing people from reaching their fitness goals. If you have said any of these things send over an email to so we can help you reach your goals.

“If I don’t lose 20 pounds in the next 28 days I will stop!”—  Have some patience! If you think this we need to set up a goal setting session. Everything happens over time.

“I was not sore from the workout so it did nothing” — When you start a new program or do something different there will usually be some soreness. Your muscles should feel like they worked (Your joints should not!) Some people are more susceptible to soreness than others. Your training program is not better than the next person because you are more sore. If you are sore all the time you might have some other issues you have to deal with when it comes to recovery. There is no correlation between getting rahbdo from your workout and reaching your goals. The programs that take it to that level are not good programs to follow.

“I am all in!”— All in usually means you will be “all out” at some point. “All out” is the worst thing possible for progress.  If someone who has not worked out in 5 years sets a goal of working out 7 days next week it’s not a good thing. It creates a mindset where 3 workouts next week equals failure in your mind.  If someone who has been eating Mcdonalds 7 days a week decides that  Monday is the day they  will start the new Paleovegangrapefruitsweetpotatonofat diet it will end up as an epic fail! One. day. at. a. time! Remember that a huge part of losing the weight is………





KEEPING IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

“I will fight through the pain!”— You will, and then you will get hurt even more. Not much more to say about this other than it’s not smart. I will make an exception if you make millions of dollars off your body, and there is a championship on the line, tomorrow. If you don’t fall under that category then you are better off working with a professional to see what you can do without pain.

“If 3 days work, then I will do 8 days next week to speed up progress!” — People that view exercise as “just” burning calories will always fail with fat loss. You are NEVER going to out train a bad diet, never! The people that stand a shot of out training a bad diet are the people already in amazing shape( like Michael Phelps and 2 other people)  If you don’t fall into that category (or have 8 hours per day to workout) then you have to train smart also. The more is better people will burn out and get hurt. The more is better people are also the ones who start and stop over and over again.

“I am just going to do cardio” — Outside of diet, strength training is the most important  thing for LONG TERM fat loss. If you lose muscle your metabolism will go down the drain. If you lose muscle, while losing fat, your scale victory is not going to be a mirror victory. It is possible to lose weight and look worse. Are you taking in the same calories as 5 years back and all of a sudden putting on weight? You probably lost some muscle. If your goal is to age gracefully and still be able to do the things you did 10 to 20 years back then focus on strength training. Doing a few exercise machines for strength is not doing much. Hire a professional to find the right program for you.

“Let me add 50lbs to my (enter exercise) this week!— These people are guaranteed to get injured while training. Slow consistent progress is always better. Learn to master your bodyweight before adding more weight. On the other end of the spectrum are the people who will use the same weight for 5 years and wonder why nothing happened. They might say I just want to be “toned” or believe in the myth that strength training will make them bulky!

“All this foam rolling, mobility, and flexibility work you are doing with me is not going to help me lose weight! — Getting injured is not going to help you lose weight either! It really hurts (literally) when it comes to being consistent with your exercise plan! People come to me to look better and feel better. My job is to find the bottleneck in your fitness plan. If you can’t move without pain then we have to address this before moving more. It also allow us to increase your exercise pool and a get more out of your workouts. No matter how good you look its not cool if you cant move without pain!

“I don’t have time!” — Check your priorities. If you have 20 to 30 minutes then I can write a program for you that is effective. A SAFE metabolic conditioning workout will allow you to improve strength and cardiovascular health at the same time.  I can also help you set movement goals. There is more to exercise than showing up to the gym. Just move!!

“I am waiting for the right time”–  The time will never be perfect,  therefore it’s always perfect. I have seen people transform their lives by simply having some faith and taking one small action TODAY. And another small step tomorrow.  I have seen some people waste years and decades with a million excuses. Yes, there will be times where it’s hard. Maybe it’s  just a period where you have to maintain and not go backwards. This is fine. Doing nothing hurts progress.  Just don’t let yourself turn into this person…

I have young kids.

I have kids in school.

I am going to wait until they go back to school. 

I have kids in college.

I have grandkids now. They keep me busy. 

I have some vacation time, so I will wait until after this. 

It’s the holidays, so I am going to wait until the new year. 

It’s stressful at my job right now, so I am going to wait. 

It’s the middle of the week. 

It’s the middle of the month. 

The weather is nice, so later. 

The weather is bad, so later. 

I have to get in shape first. Then I will call you. 

I am going to start after we get this Halloween candy out of the house. 

Did this blog post speak to you? If so, or you know anyone who can benefit from it then subscribe and share.

Detric Smith, CSCS, ACSM EP-C, 49ers fan


Pain before Progress

I am fortunate enough to witness some amazing transformations at our studio.  My favorite thing to do is the no charge success session. I love to know the story behind the upcoming transformation. One common theme with just about all of them is pain. I am referring to emotional pain , not physical.

We live in a highlight reel world. Go to facebook and you will see pics and posts from your friends covering up the real story. The problem comes when you compare yourself to them without knowing the real story. If they are really  successful they had major setbacks along the way. I can guarantee this.

Personally, I can’t think of a single success that came without pain. Not one. I remember the sting of that coach cutting me with the words “you are too weak” before I competed in powerlifting and made a career out of making people stronger and healthier. I remember the teacher who refused to write me a reference letter before I went on to graduate in 3 years. I remember those who doubted me (and still do) when I left my teaching career to go “all in” on Results Performance Training. Those are just the examples I am willing to share with a bunch of complete strangers who follow my blog and newsletter! So, yeah, this life thing is not easy.

Your past failure is not a death sentence unless you make it one. You have that choice. It can be your biggest advantage if you get out of your own head. If you learn from it. If you let it motivate you.

We can talk about workout programs, diets, and new exercises but it’s just part of the success equation.  I can sit here and say we have the best workout in the world but they all say that. Some even flat out lie to potential members with their claims. I prefer to tell you the truth, and then be there for you when you are ready. The responsibility of being someone’s last chance means more to me than being your first choice.

So what is your pain? What keeps you up at night? Some of you lack confidence because of your physical appearance. Some of you just want to move without pain. Some of you just want to enjoy the little things in life again. ALL OF YOU  have the ability to change this. You just need to take the first step and ask for help.

We all have breakdown or breakthrough moments in our life. You have a choice. So what is your decision? The decision to finally see this thing through, to the end, has to come first.

The Fitness Industry Secret?!

The fitness industry does not want you to know this secret. I am telling you because it gets on my nerves to see people put their trust in “professionals” just to work hard and not get results.

Here is the secret in 3, 2…

The sad truth that no one in our industry wants to talk about is the overnight certified trainers who don’t have the training to work with your body!

In order for the popular places to open up a new studio every other week they have to fill these positions with people that lack training. Do you want people like this dealing with your body? Can you become a doctor or physical therapist overnight? No!

I am saying this because maybe some of you have put your trust in these “professionals” before and are so frustrated that you just gave up!  There is a difference between someone who has a college degree, top certifications, and experience compared to no experience and a weekend course. It might even be a DVD or piece of equipment you purchased from one of these “professionals.”

You see, A LOT of people need our help. This has watered down our industry. If someone is working with your body, drill them and ask a lot of questions. Please email me at; we are here to prove ourselves.  I admit it’s WAY more than the piece of paper that make a trainer, but please question them and everything they say before trusting them! Make sure you understand their training and who their mentors are.

If you are still with me and any of the points below ring with you, then please email me.

You don’t fit in at commercial gyms or you just don’t like the feel.

You are a complete beginner and don’t know where to start.

You are a good starter, but need helping closing the deal when it comes to reaching your fitness goals.

You get bored easily with the typical treadmill and then do a few strength training machines(that are not effective).

You don’t  know where to start when it comes to technique on basic strength training exercises.

You have a crazy busy schedule and want to know how to get the cardio, strength, flexibility in with a 45 min period 2 to 3 times per week.

You are not fooled by the scams and fads that come along every week. Or, maybe you were fooled, a few times, and sick of it!

You need more than a workout…nutrition, assessments, accountability, check-ins, consultations, education, home workouts for the off days…FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE! You are not getting results without these things even if you work really hard in the gym!

You don’t want to get locked in to long term contracts and need the flexibility. We work around your budget to find  the right program for you!  If you have any questions then ask me!

You like the idea of getting the personal training feel without having to pay personal training prices. We offer this with all of our groups, small group, and personal training services! We do not have big sessions. We have very flexible scheduling.

You are afraid of getting injured with these extreme workouts and need levels and modifications. Quite a few choose us because they have an injury. A typical group class where they don’t teach technique is not for them.

You see the value in coaching! You understand that even the best workout in the world means nothing without coaching, accountability, and guidance. Most of you are successful in some area of your life. I am willing to bet you had mentors and coaching in these areas?

Does this sound like you at all?

I know, I get right to the point. I am not for everyone. I am determined to change lives here in Williamsburg, and beyond. I hope it is yours!

Complicated Sells. Simple Works.

The fitness industry wants to make things complicated so you can’t figure it out. They want to make it seem like there is some magic formula. You are wasting money on a bunch of gadgets, equipment, and programs that don’t work.

We stand for education. My goal is to remove the clutter between you and your goals. When I make things simple for you, it improves your chance of executing your plan. Execution of a plan trumps switching plans every week trying to find the “perfect” plan. Most of you have so much information in your head you fail to even get started.

Below are a few tips so you can remove the clutter and take the first step towards your goals. You don’t have to become a bodybuilder to get the benefits of strength training. You don’t have to run a marathon to get in shape. You don’t have to attach 95 million different gadgets to your body before you go on a walk. You don’t need to go order the latest, greatest, piece of equipment to reach your fitness goals.


Focus on movements, not muscles. When you do this you end up hitting the muscles but save a ton of time. I teach people how to squat, push, pull, hip hinge (pick things off the floor) and then we throw in core work and few other things and they are good to go!

95% of the people I work with don’t need to waste time on body part splits, special techniques, or trying to confuse their muscles(another myth). They need to block out time for 2 to 3 strength sessions per week, and actually make them! Add weight to the exercises over time (with good technique) and you will get all of the benefits of strength training. Strength training is very important for your metabolism and fat loss!


*Move more than you did last week! Block out the time for it.

*Do a form of cardio that does not injure you. Not everyone is a runner, and you don’t have to become one to get in shape!

*Have fun!…so that you can actually follow your plan!

*Realize that intelligently planned strength training while manipulating rest periods does count as cardio! I remember early in my training career I used to charge people to talk with them on a treadmill. I was wasting their time and money. We can take care of strength, cardio, flexibility and mobility work in 45 minutes compared to spending hours working out.

*People were in great shape (better actually) before apple fitness watches were invented. It can still be done! Just go move! Get started now!

*There is power in zone 2 cardio. This is basically a definition for cardio where you are a little out of breathe. So it’s not a walk, a sprint, but in between. You don’t have to set a PR and beat your little gadget each time you set out to do cardio. You are not out of shape because you failed reach level 4, 5, 6, 7, or forgot to put on your gadget. You get out of shape by forgetting to workout.


Focus on your tight areas, and do it! Block out 5 minutes tomorrow and learn a few stretches that target your tight areas! I did not say 10 minutes because I know most of you have done nothing for this in the past 10 years. We are big on creating habits and getting you from point A to point B, not Z. Make sure you also hop on the foam roller for your tight areas.

If you want to learn how to use a foam roller get a no charge assessment. We can help you find the areas holding you back and possibly causing injuries.

The recurring them of this article was….


We hold members accountable. We educate. We make things fun. We tell you the truth. We help you set realistic goals! We are the best at transforming the lives of those who find it hard to stick to an exercise plan!